Our Human Conundrum
Human: relating to, or characteristic, of people or human beings.
Conundrum: A confusing and difficult problem or question.
In a recent conversation with a colleague I made a statement about humans. It was in regard to some aspect of data collection with regards to behavior. My response was simply, "humans are messy." My colleague could not deny that and it mostly wrapped up the conversation. In addition to being messy we are also stubborn and have a difficult time accepting simplicity so we grinded away for a bit longer.
What then does this have to do with the above image. Nuclear science and all its amazing power is an incredible example of the human conundrum. Throughout history so many of our greatest inventions have first been utilized for destructive capabilities. We have a unique way as well of using seemingly banal implements for both good and evil. Take rope for example. It can be used to distribute power in ways that allowed for early civilizations to build monumentally large structures that were mind bogglingly complicated. It was also used to enslave the very individuals who built those structures. This is simply a unique aspect of the human condition.
And why is this? What is it about humans that creates this dynamic. I am rather fond of the reasoning behind Robert Soplosky's ideas on this. That it is merely a condition of complexity. A matter of having more of the stuff that drives brain function than other mammals out there in the world. It is the direct result of all those connections that light up in our brains that drive us to create the many amazing things we benefit from. It is those amazing things though that also act as a double edge sword providing us with immense material wealth, all the while having the potential, if used by a messy human, to permanently alter the trajectory of existence. There is an essential connection within this uncertain realm that I believe might be the root of what it means to be alive, and human, not just on planet earth but in the universe as a whole.
This artwork is an attempt to rectify this mystery internally. As I personally struggle to become more accepting of the reality that uncertainty is the dominant paradigm I want to, at the same time, understand how that can be driven by actions we messy humans made many years before. I certainly do not wish to fall prey to a nuclear war but at the same time I believe the technology can be leveraged to avert whatever may or may not be on the horizon as a result of climate change. Yet another human conundrum that was unleashed long before my time.
So with regard to all that I seek to understand my place in this uncertain world, and just how we as messy humans, myself very much included, can strive though to try and make things a little bit better.
Thank you. I hope very much you enjoy the art and the writing.